#78 - Keep It Simple
Celebrating Simplicity in the complex Etsy World !
Also getting the simple message out -
Also getting the simple message out -
#77, Simply Groovy
Annette of Dragonhouseofyuen is having an ingenious

Please give it some love and attention.
You can also get a ticket from Buckeye House Rabbit Society's holiday raffle.
Only 15 days left for that one. ( the post before this one)
Thank you in advance !

166 views, 927 clicks, 22 comments
#74, Taking Care Of Business
My boy Charlie's portrait is the grand prize for the Buckeye Holiday Raffle.
I am also donating 4 - Beware of the Rabbbit Tags
( bottom right square) as runner up prizes.
Please help Buckeye by buying raffle tickets and make this event a success.
Thank you !
$1.00 per ticket

#73, Run, Rabbit, Run
Holiday Raffle at the Buckeye House Rabbit Society,
Charlie's portrait is the prize, $1.00/ ticket for your chance to win

#70, Soar........
An offering to the CNE air show god, on behalf of our rabbit Charlie.
Dear Charlie,
We've closed all the windows and blinds in the house.
I'm sorry that you find the air show noises offensive & disturbing.
We're trying hard to find ear plugs for you so you can watch the show
with us.
Hope you come out from under the blanket box soon, love, your parents.

# 69, It's A Dog's Life
It's harder than you think.......
Some days you're the dog, some days you're the hydrant !
Be kind to your animals!

#66, What Do You Want From Life
What do you want ? No, really ?
The meaning of life ?
To Float like a butterfly?
To own a dancing cat, a pretty shrug, a trout,
three chairs, Chanel #5 ?
Dessert any time ?
A green apple or just a baby's arm holding an apple !

#65, Bye Bye Birdie
Commemorating the annual Red-winged Black Birds' journey South.
Good bye, Moist and family.
Moist, the Alpha Male who glides to my palm for his shelled peanut every morning.
Hope to see you next spring, my friend.

#63, Rock Solid
Featuring EFA July charity of the month - Save the Rhino
Thank you, Annette, for the title inspiration !
2 day run, 111 views, 246 clicks, 29 comments

#62, Blue Jean Confidential
Hot town, summer in the city.....
T-West, 2 day run, 40 views, 138 clicks, 19 comments

#61, The Colour Of Magic
& The Light Fantastic,
a final push for the EFA June Charity,
Thanks to Terry Pratchett for the titles
2 day run, 75 views, 176 clicks, 20 comments

#60, Affectionately Yours.....
On behalf of all the animals needing love and homes....
2 day run, 37 views, 136 clicks, 21 comments

#59, In The Making......
Battery Hens Rescue - Deadline June 29th,
Read all about it @ Annette's blog
You can Adopt or donate @ Little Hen Rescue
and /or make jumpers for all the little hardworking darlings.
See some beautiful examples @ Artwolf and @ Midnightrabbits

#58, Chuck Made Me Do It!
New Month, New Charity -
Rabbit and Guinea Pig Welfare in UK.
Check out the eminently readable article by Annette Tate
Chuck, of course, is my adorable but opinionated bunny,
He felt that I must do a list because it's
"his kind" this month, so there you have it, enjoy!
Featuring mostly EFA members.
2 day run, 111 views, 115 clicks, 21 comments

#57, Long Cool Woman In A Black Dress
EFA Treasury
A "drive by impulse driven " list; showcasing
cool works by 12 out of the 600+ efa members
3 day run, 218 views, 333clicks, 39 comments

#56, Chicken Run
Help these Ex-Battery Hens to live large!
11,000 of them need forever homes before June 29th!
Read all about it here on Annette's blog.
Click here for Little Hen Rescue.
3 day run, 95 view, 120 clicks, 27 comments

#55, Working The Room
Drumming up votes for the "Flower Power" storque poll
for all five EFA members.
2 day run, 116 view, 144 clicks, 21 comments

#54, Caught Up In The Moment
Etsy Storque Flower and Garden Poll
bidding for votes for all 5 EFA members
3 day run, 31 views, 133 clicks, 19 comments

#53, Invitation to a voyage
Giving Bea's fund raising effort a final push.

It worked, Bea is going to her forever home,
after 8 long years in a cement kennel at a no kill shelter.
Bon Voyage, Bea !
from Etsy for Animals with Love!
Email excerpt from Susan Cava,
the incredible woman that started Bea's Journey:
"A small group of us will take Bea up to Spirit this
coming Saturday. This dog's lonely plight has haunted me
for so long that it is truly a dream come to get her
the heck out of there!!! I will of course send pictures
after we get her settled
so you can see the joy your dollars bought!"
3 day run, 114 views, 135 clicks, 39 comments

Follow up to Bumble Bea's journey:
Here's Bea's - she could hardly believe that it's HER TURN!!

Bea LEAVING the shelter.......

The Sanctuary turned out to be NOT the fairy tale ending we all had hoped for sweet Bea. Fortunately, Wendy Victor stepped up and
became Bea's foster mom.
Thank you Wendy !
(June 1 update: Bea is officially Bea Victor, an Upper East Side Pitter, Thank you, Wendy!!)
In light of the situation, Susan Cava had gallantly distributed
the funds, after meeting Bea's needs,
to help the following three Pitters; Myra, Trixie and
This is Trixie waiting

This is Trix Leaving and Celebrating

This is Maya and her beat up old toy.

This is Honey the 9 year old gal waiting for her "Bea" moment!!

#52, Bite Me....
Chomp, nibble, nosh or munch, enjoy this visual feast!!
Life's a banquet, savour every bite!
Have a scrumptious day!
2 day run, 23 views, 59 clicks 15 comments

#51, Glorious Dust
Inspired by Sean Scully's abstract works
as presented in his 2007 "Glorious Dust".
Dichotomy At Play.....
2 day run, 25 views, 60 clicks, 16 comments

#50, She Walks In Light
2009 Mother's Day Reflection,
To the mother in all of us!

This one is for you, Karem!!
Love Always, P.
Yippee, Made it to Front Page..... May 9,09
and of course I missed it.... AGAIN
3 day run, 145 views, 175 clicks, 30 comments

#49, Look Mom...... No Hands!
I know you'll catch me if I fall ...... xoxoxo.
Beating the drum for Mother's Day and
Wesley Rabbit Bag on the Storque Vote.
3 day run, 156 views, 82 clicks, 15 comments

#48, Who's A Good Boy.....
Paying Homage to Maternal Love &
Drumming up votes for Wesley at the Pet Storque showdown.
3 day run, 51 views, 60 clicks, 15 comments

#47, She Said Boom..
Goes the Dynamite..... It's a blast,
not the journey but the result.....
Chalk one for the good guys!!

#46, Big Fat Hairy Deal
You can say that again,
Finally won for the animals !!
Hear what my dog Ted has to say about the win
32 views, 118 clicks, 20 comments

#45, Critical Mass
Here's hoping my fellow PNS exhibitors will stand
with me reaching the end of the rainbow.
Yes, and the glass is always half full to me !!
3 day, 107 views, 107 clicks, 24 comments

#44, Pushing The Envelope
Still At It !!
Only two more days left to bring that envelope home,
won't you join the fun and be part of it !!
Fingers are getting numb from crossing so long !!

#43, Dharma Exchange ?
Show me some love and I'll show you the money....
for animals that is.
Still struggling for that illusive pot of gold at the end of the
PNS most hearts contest, fingers crossed !!
100 views, 127 clicks, 17 comments

Thru The Looking Glass
Little Sally was peering out into the Button Garden -
wishing she was there,
"Another beautifully curated page to champion the cause by

One Heart At A Time
This one was expertly curated by Annette of Dragonhouseofyuen
Showing Solidarity with my quest for hearts.
Can't thank you enough, Annette!

#41, Touching From A Distance
Vote quest at paper n stitch for animal shelters,
Sno - www.siberiansneedingowner.org
Epic Farms - www.epicfarms.com
Buckeye House Rabbit Society - www.ohare.org
3 day run, 117 views, 191 clicks, 29 comments

#40, S N O - S O S
EFA April Animal Charity - Siberians Needing Owners
2 day run, 59 views, 121 clicks, 21 comments

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